The Wall Street Journal, November 1, 2013
Photo-Op: At Work in the Fields
Seeing Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas through the eye of a master photography. A photographic review of David Plowden's "Heartland: The Plains and the Prairie."
To read more click here.
Marshall County, IA,1987 © David Plowden

Chicago Tribune: Printers Row Journal, November 4, 2012
A focus as big as all outdoors, by Donald Liebenson
"... These glorious black and white photographs capture profoundly moving images, at once intimate and panoramic of tilled lands under tumultuous skies, grain silos standing like sentries, and small-town Main Streets that have seen better days.
"I find this part of the country absolutely magnificent," Plowden says. "It is so vast and so marvelous. You get a sense that you really are almost a visitor, and that despite an arsenal of equipment, you can be wiped out in a minute by a tornado. It reminds me a bit of the ocean in that it's an area where weather plays such an important part." ... "
PDF of this article click here.

Huffington Post: Randy Fox interviews David Plowden, October 11, 2011
David Plowden: Photographing The Soul Of America
"I recently spoke with photographer David Plowden from his home outside of Chicago. He was generous enough to spend a good portion of an afternoon talking about his life and his art."
To read the interview click here.
Westbound Phoebe Snow, Scranton, PA 1964, © David Plowden

Spark: How Creativity Works, by Julie Burstein, Kurt Andersen,
Harper Collins, Feb 15, 2011
Chapter 5 Imaginations Wellspring; with a section about David Plowden
"Creativity is an elusive subject. We enjoy its fruits—movies, novels, paintings, songs—but rarely are we privy to what happens in the creative process. In Spark, Julie Burstein traces the roots of some of the twenty-first century's most influential and creative thinkers, including Joyce Carol Oates, Yo-Yo Ma, David Milch, Isabel Allende, and Joshua Redman. Burstein pulls back the curtain to reveal the sources of these artists' inspiration and the processes that bring their work into being." Her section on David Plowden, titled Gathering Grist for the Mill can be found on pages 113-117 of the book.
To find the book on Amazom click here.